Tuesday 1 November 2011

Written up "Back to the Future" storyboard

Clocks are ticking on the wall, this could perhaps suggest that the owner of this house is very interested in the time, the subject of the film is to do with time, or, as could be suggested later, the owner of the house is an inventor.
The latter could be suggested by the makeshift radio, dog food can-opener, coffee machine & robotic arm, which follows the clock scene. This sequence of scenes instils a happy sense of creativity & practicality in the viewer, often making them wonder what happened next and whether anymore wacky inventions come from the owner of the house.
We then meet a teenaged boy with a skateboard letting himself in using a key from under the door mat, to which he repeats “Doc?... Doc?!” this gives us an indication that the owner of the house is a doctor and is known well by the boy. After seeing the dog food slopped in the dog bowl and reacting negatively, his skateboard slides along the floor, colliding with the missing plutonium that was mentioned in the new report on the television. This gives us the first sinister bit of the film; however, this keeps the viewer interested and wanting more information.

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