Wednesday 2 November 2011

Planning and Production - Edgar Pugh

The planning and production process so far has been intuitive and straightforward. I would say the most difficult part of the process would be coming up with initial ideas like scenario and themes. Once you have come up with those two, you can sit with your group and ideas flow onward, each one a link to the next idea. Deciding things like what kind of shot a scene was fairly straightfoward, there were never any disputes in our group on how a shot should look, because the ideas were mostly mutual because they simply looked the best.

 Creating a storyboard was key to a well organised production, and it came pretty naturally to the group what should happen and how the shots would be. Once that was drawn up we had something to refer to during filming. All of our main ideas came when we created the storyboard, so filming was straightforward. Before each shot we took a small time to discuss possible techniques or camera possition, before confidentally acting out the frame in the storyboard and moving onto the next one. Some ideas that weren't in the storyboard appeared as well, or modifacations to ideas that we couldn't perform, but the production closely stuck to our initial ideas.

 Problems we have encountered so far included things like materials for props, for example it was originally planned to have three traps, but we had to settle for one. Another issue was finding the right spot, because in the storyboard it was planned for three of us to hide behind a bush, but being in a thin woodland we had to settle for a nearby trench. I think a problem in the future will be in the editing process in terms of the soundtrack, because we aren't allowed to use copywrited music, so creating our own will be a definate challenge.

 After half-term we will begin the editing process, which includes putting all the clips together in the desired order and splicing them up to the desired length or arrangement. It will also include the soundtrack and music, which I think will be a big challenge for us because we have to use only original sounds or music. We may also have to work on some dialogue, as it is inaudiable on camera, we can do this by re-recording the speech and dubbing the clip.
 The order we will edit in will be arranging and editing the clips first, so we have something to work with when it comes to the music and soundtrack.

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